Laurel Swings!

Laurel swings at a Mirakuru army man to free Oliver in this photo from "City of Blood."

Stoic Arrow

Arrow is ready for a fight in "City of Blood." Can't imagine he'll be in a good mood after recent events!

Pulling an Arrow

Arrow reaches for one as he walks down a hall in "City of Blood."

Arrow and Laurel Against an Army

Laurel has on her running shoes as she an Arrow go up against the Mirakuru army in "City of Blood."

Mirakuru Army

Slade has created a Mirakuru army with little Deathstroke masks to match his. Awwww.

Laurel and the Arrow Flee

Laurel and the Arrow flee from Mirakuru soldiers in this photo from "City of Blood."

Oliver and His Ladies

Oliver has his team by his side, flanked by his ladies in this image from "Seeing Red."

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Doesn't it look like Felicity and Oliver are taking a break for a child's game to break some tension?

Sara Looks Up at Oliver

Oliver is suited up and talking with Sara in "Seeing Red."

Now What?

Felicity and Oliver look startled. Has someone else infiltrated the lair in "Seeing Red"?

Sara's Got a Gun

Sara's moving around the Arrow lair with a gun in "Seeing Red."

Thoughtful Felicity

Felicity looking lovely as always as she thinks things over in "Seeing Red."

Arrow Season 2 Quotes

God, um, you... You're really sweaty.


Oliver: If we're gonna do this, it has to be about Tommy. I need to be the man he hoped I could be. Now you two have helped me take the first step.
Felicity: So what's step two? I'm game for anything as long as it doesn't involve skydiving, and I'm pretty down on landmines now, too.
Oliver: The city still needs saving, but not by The Hood. Not by some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something more.
Diggle: It needs a hero, Oliver.
Felicity: It's too bad The Hoods kind of ruined your nickname.
Oliver: No, it's good. I don't want to be called The Hood anymore.
Diggle: Okay. So what do you want to be called?