Siding With Asher - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

Will sides with Dr. Asher about a risky treatment plan for a patient on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

Butting Heads With Choi - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

Dr. Marcel and Dr. Choi butt heads during a tension-laden conflict on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

Happy Hospital Head - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

Goodwin is happy, while tensions run high between Choi and Marcel on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

Fighting With Marcel - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

Ethan has a think during a tension-laden conflict with Dr. Marcel on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

Working WIth Choi - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

Charles' evaluation of a teenager who falls off an overpass might involve Dr. Choi on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

In the Middle - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

April finds herself caught in the middle of tensions between Choi and Marcel on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

Evaluating a Teen - Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19

Dr. Charles evaluates a teenager who is brought into the ED after falling off an overpass on Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19.

Tensions Run High - Chicago Med

Tensions run high between Dr. Choi and Dr. Marcel and some get caught in the middle on Chicago Med. "A River in Egypt" is the 19th episode of the show's fifth season.

Chicago Med Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes

Natalie: Good morning, Crockett. How is your day?
Marcel: Great.
Natalie: You say that every morning.
Marcel: Every morning is great.

April: Ethan! Crockett was just showing me some new equipment.
Ethan: Sure he was.
April: Ethan. What is this? You sleep on the couch, act like you don't want anything to do with me. So why do you care?