D&D Lord -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Stingray finally comes clean about what really happened to him and who was behind his assault in the season finale.

Hot Mama and Zaddy -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Carmen and Johnny are happy in their relationship right now and expecting a child together in Cobra Kai Season 5.

Senseis' Girls -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Amanda and Carmen are worried when they learn that the kids are getting attacked at Cobra Kai and their men are in danger.

Like a Mirror - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Tory has forged a connection with Devon and it pushes her to want to do right by her and fight against Cobra Kai.

Drinks with Friends - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Johnny and Chozen share a few drinks and talk about love and life when they all go out for a night on the town.

Barnes Squares Up -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Barnes is ready to fight when he gets drunk and is still reeling from losing his entire life because of Silver.

Date Night with the LaRussos -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Daniel and Amanda head out for a night on the town to celebrate that they could be taking their dojo global.

Demetri proposes a plan-tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Demetri is always the one to propose plans and think on his feet when the kids try to take down Cobra Kai.

Shady Partners -tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Silver enlists the help of Kim and her family's legacy to help him build up Cobra Kai and take it global.

Merging Dojos for Good-tall - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

Johnny and Daniel likely plan to merge their two dojos together for good but they need a new name for it.

Confronting Stingray - Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 9

The kids want to get to the bottom of what really happened to Stingray so they confront him for the truth.

Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

I can't believe it's happening. We're really going to take Silver down.


Chozen: I am not afraid to kill.
Silver: And I am not afraid to die.