Public Night Out

Kirkman and Andrea head out for a quick bite to keep up appearances when a bomb detonation has the nation scared.

Kirkman Declares War

Going off of information he received, and after the death of Forstell and other agents, he declares war on Kunami

Advice for the VP

Kirkman gives Darby advice over a game of chess and explains why she is the perfect person to be vice President.

The OG Trio

The staff have to track down a dirty bomb somewhere in the United States x and figure out who is behind it.

Finding a Dirty Bomb - Designated Survivor

The president's team must figure out how to stop a dirty bomb on Designated Survivor. "Fallout" is the 16th episode of the show's second season.

Designated Survivor Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

You helped us find the bomb, now I'm going to need you to help us find the bomber.

Tom [to Andrea]

Lyor: Dying of radiation poison interferes with my grand plan.
Emily: Which is?
Lyor: Living to 130.