Paul Young Pic

Spoiler warning: Paul Young will get shot on Desperate Housewives. But who will pull the trigger?

Paul Young Photo

Spoiler warning: Paul Young will get shot on Desperate Housewives. But who will pull the trigger?

Double Marilyns

Two Marilyn Monroes?!? What a major Halloween party faux pas we witness here.

Halloween Party Pic

Brian Austin Green breaks out his intimidating look in this scene from Desperate Housewives. He plays Bree's lover and handyman, Keith.

Susan Up!

Make sure you swing hard, Susan! She lines up a shot against Paul in this scene from the show's Halloween episode.

Desperate Housewives Season 7 Episode 6 Quotes

Bree: I'll come if I can bring Keith.
Renee: I guess one child would be okay.

You're either going as a dog or a little Mexican girl. And in this neighborhood, we both know which one's getting more candy!

Gaby [to Juanita]