Demetri Noh Picture

Demetri Noh is played by John Cho on FlashForward. He's an FBI agent.

Premiere Pic

On the series premiere of FlashForward, Mark Benford deals with a catastrophic event. What caused everyone to black out?

Mark Benford Picture

Mark Benford is a key character on FlashForward. He's seen here, trying to determine what happened when the world blacked out.


Demetri Noh is an FBI agent. In his version of the future, he sees... absolutely nothing.

FlashForward Logo

Expect to see this logo plastered all over ABC in the months ahead. It's the official logo for FlashForward.

Scene from FlashForward

A signature event takes over the world on FlashForward. In this scene, FBI Agents Noh and Benford tend to a victim.

Mark Benford Pic

Looks like it was a tough day at work for Mark Benford. The FBI agent walks among bodies in this scene from FlashForward.

FlashForward Scene

In this scene from the opening episode of FlashForward, Agent Noh is far from pleased. His partner tries to intervene.

Demetry and Mark

Demetri Noh and Mark Benford are partners with the FBI. They're seen here during the pilot episode of FlashForward.

Mark at Home

Mark Benford is seen here at home. He lives with wife Olivia on FlashForward.

Stan and Mark

Stan is Mark's boss at the FBI. Both play key roles on the ABC series FlashForward.

Flash Forward Scene

What is this scene in Flash Forward all about? It's unclear. The show takes pride in remaining a mystery.

FlashForward Quotes

I didn't just lose consciousness; my consciousness went somewhere else.

Mark Benford

We've been saying people have been blacking out, but that wasn't my experience. More like a dream.

Mark Benford