Backfire Photo

A picture from the episode "Backfire."

I'll Be Seeing You Again

Coach Bill MacGregor departs Dillon with some harsh words at Coach Taylor's place, directing his frustration at getting axed with Eric himself. He vows he will see Eric again. Will he?

Driver's Ed

It's no fun. In fact, it can be a very scary thing, teen driving. Allstate managed to finagle a whole storyline into the show about exactly that, then plug it with an ad at the end of the Friday Night Lights episode "Backfire."

Dillon Daily Times

Coach Taylor is back on the cover of the Dillon Daily Times after his return to the Head Coach position of the Panthers. Coach Bill MacGregor, meanwhile, is out the door - and not thrilled about how it all went down.

What's it Gonna Take?

Riggins tries to bribe his way out of trouble, and meets the only honest cop in Mexico. Street reluctantly bails his drunk pal out of jail.


Santiago tells Lyla that despite her "Christian ways," she's all talk and no action. Will she be able to prove him wrong upon his release from juvenile detention?

Buddy Calls the Shots

There's little doubt after his show of muscle in "Backfire" that Buddy Garrity calls the shots when it comes to the Panthers. Behind the scenes and larger than life, the car dealership owner loves his team.

Shark's Blood?

Jason Street talks about the procedure he will undergo with a doctor in Mexico. An injection of shark's blood into the spine sounds hokey. Will Riggins talk him out of it?

Sing it, Six!

Jason Street sings at a Mexican cantina. But beneath his smiling, drunken exterior lies deep unhappiness. Riggins worries about his friend.

Buddies on the Road

Tim and Jason drive to Mexico so that Street can undergo a procedure not yet legalized in the United States. Soon Tim realizes (of all people) that Jason might be kidding himself.

Daddy's Home!

Eric arrives back in Dillon to find wife Tami, and daughters Julie and Grace very happy to see him. It's great to have a family together again.

Take Me Driving!

Tami rests and Julie whines and asks for attention. This is a trend that has been building ever since Eric has been gone.