Wind Sprints Photo

A photo from the episode "Wind Sprints."

The Kiss

In the rain, in the desperate confusion, Lyla kisses Tim. This is just wrong.

Wind Sprints

Neither rain, nor mud nor late hours will stop the Dillon Panthers from doing wind sprints.

Walking Out

Tim Riggins walks away from practice. He's gonna regret this.

Dillon Delirium

Some Dillon fans get too carried away. This one talked trash to the coach's daughter.

The Evil Make Out Session

Lyla is angry and desperate. And Tim is there. The feelings overflow and this make out session ensues.

Friday Night Lights Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Lyla, I can't... I can't stop thinking about you...


... Because every night when I go to sleep, I dream that I can walk again. And every morning, I wake up, and I have to accept it all over again. And then you walk in here, all smiles, acting like nothing’s wrong. And it’s killing me!

Jason Street