Blaine Photo

Darren Criss has made a major impression on Glee viewers. He plays the fun character of Blaine.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Making Like Britney

Brittany makes like Britney Spears in this still image. Aptly, it's courtesy of the episode "Brittant/Britney."
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0


New Directions totally should have won Regionals. Instead, they finished in third place. Darn you, Olivia Newton-John!
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Kurt and Burt

It looks like Burt is making a real effort to understand his son. But Kurt doesn't want to hear any of it.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Kurt Hummel Picture

On Glee, Kurt Hummel gay. He's also downright hilarious, as played by Chris Colfer.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Like Gaga

Looking great, Kurt! He's one of several characters that dresses like Lady Gaga on the episode "Theatricality."
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Stressed Over Sectionals

Rachel may dream of being a star, but she can't fight the stress over sectionals. It's understandable.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

From the Finale

Just hook up already! Glee fans are anxious to see Will and Emma make their relationship official, but there keeps being obstacles.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Male New Directions

The men of New Directions do their thing in this photo from the episode "Never Been Kissed." Nice to have Puck back, isn't it?
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Artie and Finn

Artie and Finn share a moment in this scene from Glee. It's courtesy of the second episode of season two.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Finn and Puck Photo

All is not well between Finn and Puck. The former isn't aware that the latter knocked up his girlfriend.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Glee Season 2 Poster

Behold the season two poster for Glee. In it, the characters turn the tables and throw the slushees at us!
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
