Amelia and her Mom

Amelia spends quality time with her mom and has a much needed conversation to resolve their issues.

Amelia Returns Home to Her Real Sisters

After a trying couple of days spending time with her judgmental sisters, Amelia returns home to the comfort of Meredith and Maggie.

Amelink and Doughnuts

Amelia apologises to Link with his favorite doughnuts he loves when he's in NYC, and they goof off together.

Baby Amelia

Amelia notices the only photo of her at her sister's house is one where she is a teenager.

Polite Dinner Conversation - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Link is the perfect date for Amelia when she has to go to dinner with her family and pretend as though she's still married to Owen.

Amelia Takes a Risk - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Amelia performs a risky surgery, and Link is concerned she may be doing it to prove something to her family.

Kathleen Shepherd - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Guest star Amy Acker plays Kathleen Shepherd, Amelia's most judgmental sister who she doesn't want to share dinner with.

Nancy Shepherd - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Amelia bumps into her sister Nancy while in NYC on a case and gets invited to the most awkward dinner ever.

Protective Boyfriend - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Amelia and Link may be casual with their relationship, but he's protective of her even if it means protecting her from her sisters.

Dessert Anyone? - Grey's Anatomy

Amelia's dinner with her sisters may not go as well as she hoped. Will they bring up her past indiscretions and make her feel inadequate?

Standing Up to her Sisters - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Amelia stands up to her sisters when a dinner with them has them bringing up all the ways they look down on her.

Standing Up to her Sisters - Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21

Amelia stands up to her sisters when a dinner with them has them bringing up all the ways they look down on her.

Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Episode 21 Quotes

Call mom sometime, kiddo. It's the kind thing to do.


Nancy: Amy? Oh my God. Amy!
Amelia: Nancy.
Nancy: Nancy Shepherd. Amelia's sister. You must be Owen.
Amelia: Yes, this is my husband.
Link: Nice to meet you.