Old People Play Bridge

There's nothing like an older version of the group (Ted, Marshall and Lily) playing their own made up version of bridge. Don't worry, they'll take a class. It's important to stay active.

Robin Passes the Test

Sure Robin passes the porch test, but Lily sabotaged Ted's relationship with Robin. Why? She didn't want to lose her as a friend of course.

Old Marshall and Lily

A vision at what America's perfect couple, Marshall and Lily will look like when they get old and sit out on their porch that overlooks the beach.

Karen and The Gang on the Porch

Lily puts Karen (Laura Prepon) to the porch test and she fails miserably when she won't play bridge with their future old selves. She'd rather be reading a book of course.

Ted and Karen on the Porch

In Lily's vision of the future in her porch test she pictures the incredibly annoying Karen (Laura Prepon) and Ted in the future and she still hates Karen.

How I Met Your Mother Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

Barney: So you're this comfy every night and Lily still has sex with you?
Marshall: Yeah, that's what marriage is all about, man. Unconditional love. You can wear whatever you want and still get laid

Robin: Let's make a pact, if we both turn 40 and we're both single..
Ted: Robin Scherbatsky, will you be my backup wife?
Robin: A girl always dreams of hearing those words. Yes, yes, a million times, yes!