Taking a Chance

Chance must rescue a computer genius from a high-rise on the episode "Lockdown." He ponders that mission in this photo.

From Lockdown

This is a photo from the Human Target episode "Lockdown." In it, Chance must save a computer genius.

Sanctuary Scene

Christopher Chance as a monk? He somehow pulls that off in the Human Target episode "Sanctuary."

Winston at Work

This is how Winston (Chi McBride) rolls. You do not wanna get in his way.

As Winston

We're huge fans of Chi McBride. He fits in well as Winston on Human Target.

Fake Monk

Chance poses as a monk on the episode "Sanctuary." His goal? To precent thieves from stealing some artifacts.

As a Monk

Chance poses as a monk to stop thieves who are plotting to steal priceless religious artifacts from a remote monastery in the episode "Sanctuary."

Vroom, Vroom!

Whether he's landing planes or driving motorcycles, Christopher Chance has one goal in mind: protect his client.

As a Human Target

Chance spring into action during this scene from "Embassy Row." It's the third-ever episode for Human Target.

Embassy Row Photo

Button up that tux, Christopher. You've gotta play the part in this scene from "Embassy Row."

Pat Down

Christopher is checked for weapons during this scene from the show's third episode. In it, he infiltrates the Russian Embassy.

Fancy Chance

You can certainly say this about Christopher Chance: the man cleans up very well, even when his life is at stake.

Human Target Season 1 Quotes

People have secrets and secrets are dangerous, so what are you keeping from me?

Christopher Chance

In 3 hours one way or another this thing is going to be over.

Christopher Chance