Villanelle Sitting - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Villanelle sitting on a log outdoors on the island.

Villanelle Outside - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Villanelle outside on the island that her new friend lives on.

Pam Eating With Konstantin - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Pam eating with Konstantin out at a restaurant, talking about the job.

Eve Traveling - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Eve traveling to try and get Villanelle to help her take down The Twelve.

Konstantin Eating With Pam - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Konstantin out with Pam, discussing the job and enjoying some food.

Konstantin With Ketchup - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Konstantin putting ketchup on his food, while he talks to Pam about her next moves.

Villanelle Brooding - Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7

Villanelle looking at her new killer friend, brooding.

Revenge Mission - Killing Eve

Eve pursues an even bigger revenge mission on Killing Eve. "Making Dead Things Look Nice" is the seventh episode of the show's fourth.

Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Pam: What's wrong with you?
Konstantin: I'm fine.
Pam: You don't look fine – you look like an angry Santa Claus.

Gunn: If you threaten my way of life, Villanelle, I will rip you apart, slowly. Your choice.
Villanelle: If you can catch me.