Benson Refuses to Give Up - SVU - Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 18

Olivia Benson tries to convince ADA Barba to continue with a seemingly unwinnable case.

Ambush on the Stand - SVU

Abby Clarke was ambushed on the stand by the defense counsel.

Assault Under Hypnosis - Law & Order: SVU

A spiritual healer is accused of assaulting someone while they are under hypnosis on Law & Order: SVU. "Spellbound" is the 18th episode of the show's 18th season.

Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Episode 18 Quotes

Sonny: Why do I get the feeling that this guy's shoes cost more than my rent?
Fin: Cause they do. This guy comes from real money. His dad owns a hedge fund.

Man: My friends, we're here to take an amazing journey. One that will connect you to your deepest selves and to each other. And if you open your souls to it, tonight you will change your life.
Guy: Buckle your seatbelt.
Woman: Here's to nothing.
Guy: You mean here's to everything.