Christina Unravels - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Christina gets emotional as they discuss the text message situation with Henry at the reunion special.

Taking it In - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Woody is here for all of the tea being spilled and Henry revealing all the information about Christina.

New Info - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Bennett and Amelia are shocked to hear all the information that is being shared about Christina and Henry.

Henry Spills the Tea - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Henry spills all the tea about Christina at the reunion special when the text message fiasco becomes an issue.

Not Matched Well - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Henry and Christina were not a good match and never really stood a chance and say as much during the reunion special.

Karen's New Do - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Karen is rocking a new hairdo for the reunion special and standing by her behavior during the series.

Still Happily Married - Tall - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Karen and miles had ups and downs but they're still happily married to each other despite everything.

A new Proposal - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Woody proposed to Amani all over again and gives her a new engagement ring to represent his choice during the reunion special.

Bennett's New Life - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Bennett has a new life in Virginia with Amelia who is at her residency program during the update at the reunion special.

All Dolled Up - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Olivia is all dolled up for reunion day and even though she and Brett barely exchanged words she's happy to be on with her friends.

Amani Glows - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Amani is always gorgeous and glowing and the reunion special is no exception on married at first sight season 11 episode 17.

Happily Together Still - Married at First Sight Season 11 Episode 17

Despite their many ups and downs, Miles and Karen are still happily together and going strong during the reunion.