Alex and Percy

Alex and Percy stand before a chained-up Nikita in this photo. It's courtesy of the episode "All the Way."

Captured by Division

As you can see here, Nikita gets captured by Division on the midseason finale of this fun show. We think she'll survive, though.

Alex Confronts Nikita

Nikita is all tied up in this scene. Alex talks to her while both are inside Division.

Percy vs. Nikita

Wipe that smirk off your face, Percy. Nikita is totally gonna kick your ass when she gets loose.

In Chile

Owen and Nikita team up again on the episode "Dare Matter." They find themselves in Chile.

Photo of Nikita

Nikita gets captured by the CIA on the episode "Dark Matter." We have a feeling she'll make it out alive, however.

Dr. Hanson and Alex

In this Nikita scene, courtesy of the 11/11/10 episode of the show: Patrick Garrow as Dr. Hanson and Lyndsy Fonseca as Alex.

Conferring with Each Other

Jaden and Alex confer in this scene. It's courtesy of the Nikita episode titled "One Way."

Percy and Amanda

Percy and Amanda don't like what they discover on the episode "One Way." Michael is actually working with Nikita.

Hairy Situation

Ouch! Nikita is tough, but we challenge any woman not to struggle when her hair is being pulled in such a way.

An Easy Fight

Nikita almost laughs off this attempt at a fight. Gotta admire the lady's effort, though.

Alex and His Team

Alex leads a pretty angry team in this scene. It's courtesy of the Nikita episode "Phoenix."

Nikita Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


I was the first recruit to get out, and I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Nikita Music

  Song Artist
Elephant Song The Enemy iTunes
Song Fuego Bomba Estereo iTunes
The Step And The Walk The Duke Spirit iTunes