Leslie On Election Day

Leslie speaks from the podium on election day on Parks and Recreation. "Win, Lose, or Draw" is the 22nd episode of the show's fourth season.

Ben & Leslie On The Bus Tour

Ben and Leslie work on her campaign from the bus tour on Parks and Recreation. "Bus Tour" is the the 21st episode of the show's fourth season.

Bradley Whitford on Parks and Recreation

Bradley Whitford knows a thing or two about political acting. He guest stars here as a councilman.

Leslie Debates Bobby

Leslie and Bobby spar in a televised debate. Amy Poehler wrote and directed "The Debate" the 20th episode of Parks and Recreations 4th season.

Leslie Persuades Councilmann Pillner

Leslie persuades Councilman Pillner not to cut her departments budget on this episode of Parks and Recreation. "Live Ammo" is the 19th installment of season 4.

Sean Hayes on 30 Rock

Sean Hayes guest stars here on 30 Rock. He has a few questions for Leslie Knope.

Ben and Leslie at the Mic

Ben and Leslie need to adjust to a move made by their opponent on the episode "Campaign Shake-Up."

A Party for Jerry

Happy birthday to Jerry! As you can tell, he's very excited about his party in this scene.

An Awkward Dinner

This looks to be an awkward meal, as Leslie dines with her returning ex and her current squeeze.

Time for Operation Ann

Operation Ann is on! Leslie makes it her mission here to land her friend a Valentine's Day date.

Tom Bowls

Strike? Tom sends one down the lane here as Leslie tries to earn some local support.

Leslie's Campaign Ad

Vote for Knope, people! This little girl's face should really say it all.

Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quotes

Ron: I don't have the material for Smores.
Leslie: You you do, I always emergency smore rations in my car.

I'm Ron Swanson and you're Leslie f***ing Knope.
