War of Words - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

We spoke to soon. It looks like Ella is letting rip and it's long overdue. Rosewood PD needs to know what they've put the gals through by being the most incompetent police department on TV.

Mess With My Daughter, You Mess With Me - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

Elle is understandably over Rosewood PD because they always find a way of pinning the blame on the girls, even when they've not done anything. We'd love to see a war of words between Ella and Tanner.

Tanner Lays Her Cards On The Table - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

In a rare move, it looks like Rosewood PD are finally doing something to get to the root of what is going on in town, but it seems a little late, right? Those pictures of the dolls are freaking creepy.

Hanna's Turn - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

Hanna has been known to hit us with some hilarious one-liners, so I expect nothing less than to be laughing here. In the promo she makes a comment about A coming face to face with her fist. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see her swing a punch at him/her?

Cut The Shade, Bitches - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

Alison is giving the liars her death stare, so she isn't at all pleased at the look of disgust they were giving her. We wouldn't be surprised if she hit them with her cup. Alison's death stare could kill.

We Ain't Buying What You're Selling - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

Would it be an episode of Pretty Little Liars with the gals giving form Queen Bee, Alison, some shade? No, it would not and we love it, but it makes us think she's trying to defend Charles in some way from them.

Give Us Answers - Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8

It's Alison's turn to speak since the gals have barely laid eyes on her recently. Will she hold some of the clues to solving this game? We're not so sure, but we still NEED to know what she's talking about.

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 8 Quotes

A gives so that A can take away. That's what A does.


Ezra: Was that Clarke? I wish I could get a chance to meet him.
Aria: While you were eavesdropping?