Marco Whips up Advice

Marco is busy whipping up some advice in this scene. In this episode he gives advice to both Megan and Charlie. When will you help us Marco?

The Girls Return

The girls return from Rose's late night rescue mission of Sage with some ice cream. So what happened with Max? It's private.

Max and Rose Kiss

Max seems very happy to see his beautiful girlfriend, Rose, arrive at school. He doesn't seem to care that she's wearing a ridiculously shiny dress.

Sage and Rose on the Yacht

Sage and Rose are on the yacht and enjoying the party. Is that Will we see in the background... at a high school party?

Megan on the Yacht

Megan comes aboard the Yacht to try and stop the girls from going to the party. They have some studying to do!

The Girls Plan their Week

The girls are about to begin their first week at school for their sophomore year and have some very important things to figure out... like their social calendar.

Rose is Going to Parker's

Rose really did want to stay at home and study... but thanks to pressure from Max, it looks like she's going to Parker's party!

Megan Talks to the Girls

Megan talks to the girls while they're using their computers to get ready for their first day of school. Clueless anyone?

Mr. Cassidy

David Giuntoli plays the very handsome Jacob Cassidy, the very good looking and young headmaster of the girls' high school.

Rose and Sage Arrive at School

Rose and Sage arrive for the first day of school looking very beautiful. This is going to be a good year.

Mr. Cassidy and the Girls

Jacob Cassidy, the headmaster of the school, talks to Sage and Rose on their first day of school.

Sage Wakes Up

Sage is excited to wake up the morning after the Ball. She has a plan to continue to execute with Rose!

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid