Allan Louis Picture

A picture of Allan Louis, the actor who plays Marco. Allan Louis has mostly had small guest roles on television roles and we're very happy to see this actor land a starring role.

Anne Archer Picture

A picture of Anne Archer, the veteran actress who plays Laurel Limoges on Privileged. This Academy Award-nominated actress has had a career that has lasted for over 40 years.

Lucy Kate Hale Picture

A picture of the adorable actress Lucy Kate Hale who plays Rose Baker on CW's Privileged. Privileged is Lucy's second starring show as she also starred on the short-lived Bionic Woman.

Ashley Newbrough Picture

A picture of Ashley Newbrough, the beautiful actress who plays Sage Baker. Ashley was previously fairly unknown, but we're sure all that will change after Privileged.

Lily and Megan Fight

Lily and Megan have a little bit of a confrontation while a very scared Will and Rose awkwardly stand by.

Rose Shakes Hands

Rose is very excited to be shaking hands with the off-screen Lily. Megan seems a little less than pleased that she's here.

Megan Stands up to Sage

Sage is used to getting her way, but Megan stands up for Sage when she tries to get Laurel to fire her. Go Megan!

Megan Talks to the Bartender

Megan decides to pour her personal problems all over the bartender telling him about her relationship with her sister. Whiskey?

Sage on the Couch

Sage sits on the couch watching her plan in action as she attempts to get Laurel to fire Megan. Bitch!

Laurle at Her Desk

A closeup of Laurel at her desk as she talks with Megan. She saw how Megan stood up for herself and wants her to stay!

A Very Dashing Will

Will looks quite good in a tuxedo. We can see why Megan is so into him!!

Will Meets Lily

Megan doesn't seem to happy to see her new possible love interest, Will, meeting her boyfriend-stealing sister, Lily.

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

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