Emerson, Mom

Say hello to Camila Cod. We met Emerson's mom in the Pushing Daisies episode titled "Frescorts."

Undercover Nun

Chuck dressed up like a nun in order to help Olive in the episode "Bad Habits." Get it?!? How hilarious is that title?

Emerson, Ned and Chuck

What is our favorite crime-fighting trip up to now? This is a scene from the Pushing Daisies episode "Circus Circus."

Ned and Emerson at the Cirus

Pushing Daisies at the circus? Seems about right for this unique, witty show. This is a scene from the second episode of season two.

Season Two Premiere Pic

On the Pushing Daisies season two premiere, Chuck and Ned both went undercover at a honey-making factory. Pretty much run of the mill for this great show.

Chuck and Ned

Chuck and Ned are at the heart of Pushing Daisies. This is the most creative, witty show on television.

Aunt Lily

Aunt Lily is played by the incomparable Swoosie Kurtz on Pushing Daisies. The actress says she just had to be a part of the sow.

Pushing Daisies Picture

A poster for ABC's hit drama, Pushing Daisies, created by Brian Fuller and starring Lee Pace.

Pushing Daisies Quotes

Chuck: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Emerson: Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem

Vivian: Charlotte was a nice girl.
Lily: With the exception of puberty.
Vivian: Which was when Lily was going through a change of life.
Lily: Impolite to talk about one's menopause in mixed company.