Henriette and Emone - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

Are these creepy girls alive or figments of the imagination?

Royal Portrait - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

This photo makes it look as though the royal couple is standing for a portrait.

Stately Couple - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

The King's Deputy, Bash, and his lovely wife, Kenna.

Princess Claude's Behind - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

This isn't much of a debut, but this is Rose Williams as Princess Claude, speaking with Bash.

A New Ally - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

Queen Mary discovers that she has a new ally in Conde.

Mary and Mother-in-Law - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

Queen Mary and the Queen Mother Catherine take in the festivities.

Mary at Night - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

Mary is alone at what appears to be a festive gathering.

By the Water - Reign Season 2 Episode 7

Francis and Mary are by the water in this photo from "The Prince of Blood."

The King and Queen Looking Beautiful - Reign

Mary and Francis look stunning in this photo from "The Prince of Blood."

Reign Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Bash: Francis. Did you hire Montgomery to kill our father?
Francis: No. I did it myself. I took Montgomery's place.
Bash: Francis. I understand. I know as well as anyone the harm that he caused. Have you been carrying this all alone?
Francis: Not alone. Narcisse knows! He's blackmailing me.

The nobles want Francis to sign a law that will require all French subjects to declare their faith to the King -- publicly.
