Talk is Cheap Picture

The Sex and the City girls share a laugh during "Baby, Talk is Cheap."

Ghost Town Picture

Carrie goes to the grand opening of Scout, Aiden and Steve's bar in "Ghost Town."

Samantha the Lesbian

Samantha decides to give the whole lesbian thing a try with Maria, a painter.

A Big Date

Carrie ends up on a psuedo-date with Big, but ends up meeting another guy that night.

The Real Me Picture

When Carrie joins a fashion show on a celebrity guest, she trips on the runway in "The Real Me."

Samantha and Carrie Picture

Samantha comforts Carrie when no one shows up for her birthday party on Sex and the City.

Sex and the City Season 4 Quotes

Samantha: Who do you all fantasize about?
Carrie and Miranda: Russell Crowe
Carrie: Jinx! You owe me a Coke!
Miranda: That's amazing. What did women do before Russell Crowe?
Samantha and Carrie: George Clooney

Carrie: The longer I sat at that table, the more alone I felt. And it really hit me: I am 35 and alone!
Miranda: You are not alone.
Carrie: No, I know I have you guys, but...and really, I hate myself a little for saying this, felt really sad not to have a man in my life who cares about me. No special guy to wish me happy birthday. No goddamn soulmate. And I don't even know if I belive in soulmates.
Charlotte: Don't laugh at me, but maybe we could be each others soulmates? And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with?
Samantha: Well, that sounds like a plan.
Carrie: I'm 35. 35 is not 25.
Miranda: Thank God!
Carrie: I'm 35!
Samantha: Oh, shut the f*** up. I'm 140!