Bellamy Blake Looking Forward - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy Blake looking at the idea of transcendence with his mom guiding him in a vision towards this decision.

Cadogan Reunites Two People Together - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Cadogan allows Bellamy and Clarke to reunite with one another as he watches on during their reunion hug.

Bellamy Knowing What Is Real - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy telling his Bardo friend that his priorities are always with his people, something he can actually prove.

Bellamy In The Cave - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy wakes up from his prayer in a vision where he sees Cadogan and then his mother, both of whom try to convince him to follow the light.

Clarke Sees Bellamy Again - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Clarke sees Bellamy again in Bardo after thinking she lost him, and she makes sure to get the hug she wants.

Etherea In Full - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy and his friend from Bardo travel to this new planet that has a very similar look to a lot of people.

The Conductor Ponders - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

The conductor ponders his new move alongside Bellamy as they must tackle their own survival on this planet.

Bellamy Looks At His New Friend - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy looks at the new friend that he managed to make during his time on this new planet Etherea.

Bellamy Survives Etherea - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy has to deal with Etherea, but along the way he continues to live through whatever is thrown at him.

Levitt Finds Out The Truth - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Levitt finds out the truth that no one else sees coming, except the audience, during an MCAP session.

Levitt In Bardo MCAP - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Levitt returns to his duties as the MCAP person and that is when he discovers something really interesting.

The Conductor Talks With Bellamy - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

The Conductor finds time to share some information with Bellamy as they try to get off this planet.

The 100 Season 7 Episode 11 Quotes

Never travel to another planet without something to read. Even if it is pocket propaganda for another false god.


Conductor: Sweet Shepherd.
Bellamy: He's not here. I'm all you've got.