A Robed Sheldon

Sheldon talks to Leonard wearing a robe in their kitchen.

Sheldon in a Robe with Geology

Is Sheldon sleeping with the Geology book? Nice robe!

Geology Book

Sheldon has a Geology book. Why would he have that?

A Drawing

Howard shows Leonard a drawing of ... something. What is that supposed to be?

Kripke Annoys Sheldon

Barry Kripke annoys Sheldon and Howard during their lunch break.

Howard Arrives for Double Date

Howard arrive for his double date with his wife, Raj and Emily.

Sheldon Knocks

Sheldon knocks on a hallway door with Amy on "The Relationship Diremption."

Toast to Sheldon

Penny, Leonard and Amy toast Sheldon on "The Relationship Diremption."

Double Date Night

Bernadette and Howard go on a double date with Raj and Emily.

Barry at Lunch

Barry Kripke shows up to talk to the guys during lunch.

Lunch with the Big Bang Theory Bunch

Sheldon leads a discussion with Leonard, Raj and Howard during lunch.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 20 Quotes

Sheldon: Am I wasting my life on a theory that can never be proven?
Howard: Maybe. But how great is Game of Thrones?

Raj: I know. Being an astrophysicist right now is like being a rock star.
Howard: Only without the sex.
Raj: Yeah, literally, none of it.