Julian has news - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Cisco and Joe are both transfixed by what Julian's saying. Is it good news or bad news for Dr. Snow?

The Waiting Game - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Wally, Iris, and Barry are on standby as they wait to see how Caitlin fared. Do their expressions seem optimistic?

Surgery Prep - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Caitlin watches as Julian prepares to operate. Does anyone else wonder if they have hospitals in Central City?

Julian and Iris Scrub In - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

As Team Flash stands by, Julian and Iris operate on Caitlin. Will they be able to save her?

What will Julian do? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Caitlin's usually the go to person when someone is injured. Now it's up to Julian to save her.

Julian's afraid - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Things have been tense between Julian and Caitlin since she revealed her secret. Will seeing her injured make Julian realize how much he cares?

Gather the Team - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

After she's injured, Team Flash rushes to Caitlin's side. Judging by their faces, things don't look good for her.

Meet Abra Kadabra - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

A new villain has joined the fold. Meet Abra Kadabra. He's a villain from the future. But why's he in STAR labs? And why is he pointing a gun at Caitlin?!

Help! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Caitlin's in trouble! Once again, it seems someone has breached STAR Labs' security. Who will save Dr. Snow?

The Flash Season 3 Episode 18 Quotes

Iris: He's a murderer.
Barry: I know he's a murderer. But how many murderers have we put in prison? How many bad guys have we taken down? Don't we deserve one win? After everything that we've done?
Iris: Life doesn't keep score, Barry.

Abra Kadabra: If you let me go, I will tell you Savitar's greatest secret. It's the key to defeating him. The key to stopping him.
Barry: What secret?
Abra Kadabra: I know who he is. I know his name.