Classic Hero Shot - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

This is a classic hero shot, the fellow on horseback who rides away after saving the day. It seems The Flash team made a friend and someone who can help them learn about Barry's powers, perhaps how to unleash them to their full potential, not to mention how to look out for and fight Zoom!

Spotted the Bad Guy - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

It sure appears that Jay Garrick spotted the wayward metahuman. Did he get to him before Barry Allen's Flash or were they working in tandem? Is that what Patty Spivot was staring at in awe?

Flash Assist! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

We have an Earth-2 to Earth Flash-to-Flash assist going on here, folks!! Who absolutely cannot wait to see these guys running side by side through the streets of Central City? Me! Me! Me!

Confusion - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

Patty Spivot has a look of confusion on her face. She's also free from the chair, so that's a plus. What does she see that's turning her head, anyway?

The Flash in Portrait Season 2 Episode 2

There's not much to say about these photos, and they'll be plentiful throughout the season. Just gaze and enjoy.

Scoping It Out - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

The Flash is scoping out the scene of the incident, either looking for whatever metahuman had Patty Spivot in their clutches or trying to find safe passage for her to get out.

Com Check - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

The Flash takes a momen to check in with his team through his ear piece. It's always good to stay in touch with those helping on the missions!

Is She Afraid? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

Maybe it's me, but for someone who wants to join the metahuman task force, Patty Spivot seems a tad afraid of the hero in our little story.

The Flash Arrives on the Scene Season 2 Episode 2

We'll be introduced to Patty Spivot, a determined officer who wants to join Joe's metahuman task force. It looks like she gets herself into a spot of trouble right out of the gate. Whoops!

Heart Check - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

Is Jay Garrick just like us? Caitlin is about to find out as she gives him a physical exam. He sure seems friendly enough from this angle, doesn't he?

Checking Out the New Guy - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

Iris and Caitlin check out the capabilities of the new guy. Is he stronger, faster and better than Barry Allen? Will Barry be able to learn from their new friend? Caitlin will be able to capture all the data they need on her trusty computer.

How Many Worlds Are There? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

This is another one we remember from he trailer, right? Cisco asks how many worlds there are when Jay Garrick announces that "their" world is in danger. Hell, who wouldn't be interested? And, does Garrick really call his "Earth-2?" Why would they label theirs 2? Can't wait to find out!

The Flash Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Jay: They belong to a metahuman I fought before named Sand Demon.
Cisco: I know you're new here, so I'm just gonna break it down for you. The whole naming the bad guys thing? That's my jam. But you know what? I'm gonna let you have that one, because I actually kinda like it. I'm not mad at that one.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
