Shock and Disbelief - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Our hearts are breaking for Joe. Even though we believe Iris will somehow survive, we can't imagine how horrible it must have been for Joe to witness his little girl's death. Someone hug him right away!

Is Iris Dead? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

We know how it looks. Barry watched the love of his life die for real this time. But we've seen The Flash change time and cheat death before. Can Iris be saved? What will it cost Barry?

Savitar-Barry Knows - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

As Barry plotted with Captain Cold, Savitar-Barry received flashes of what his past self was doing.

King Shark!

Barry and Captain Cold plan a heist only to discover a familiar foe in their way.

Cold Flash - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Why does Barry have Captain Cold's gun? Is he planning to use it on King Shark? Or could he have Killer Frost in his sights? We have so many questions!

Intense Flash - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Barry's running out of time to save Iris. Now that he's teamed up with Captain Cold, he may be able to get the final piece he needs for Tracy to create the trap.

Vibe in Action - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Last time Cisco faced off against Caitlin, he held back. Will he do the same knowing what could happen? Or will he try to get through to his best friend again?

Taking Aim - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

It's the battle we've been dreading since Cisco saw it in a vibe. We hope Cisco can get through to Caitlin before things go too far. We don't want to see the future come true.

Let It Snow - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

It's too bad Killer Frost is determined to use her power for evil. The snow, and that awesome ice bridge she made, are rather pretty.

Unstoppable - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

We saw a tiny glimpse of Caitlin beneath Killer Frost. But now it seems the villainous version has taken control once more. Will she destroy Cisco to prove how evil she is?

Say What?! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Either Barry's just told Captain Cold he wants to work together or he's confused him by explaining the time remnant. It looks like it's going to take more convincing.

Captain Unconvinced - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Barry might have his work cut out for him when it comes to making a deal with Captain Cold. He's not one to trust others by nature. Especially The Flash.

The Flash Season 3 Quotes

So, what should we call this brave new world you whipped up for us? I was thinking...Flashpoint.

Eobard Thawne

Barry: We actually went to elementary school together. PS 23?
Iris: Oh! That's right. I remember. Gary!