In on the Secret - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

It's unclear how Iris and Barry know each other in this new world, but they know each other well enough that she is there while he has Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, caged in a barn of some sort. Their connection is real, you guys.

Not This Time - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

Barry is on the outside looking in, not the one being held captive. Or is he? He may not realize it, but he's not living the life he should be, and he needs to break free from the one he has created. I don't think he's going to be too happy about it.

Ooooh. Don't Mess with Me, Either! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

And here's where it really starts to drag. We've now seen this photo what, four times? And the Flash suit hasn't even been tweaked or anything for us to marvel over the details.

Don't Mess with Me! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

The real bummer here is that we'll be treated to two sets of virtually useless shots of Flashes in their gear, which could belong to any episode at any time. Like this one. Maybe they'd make a fun collage!

Another Shot - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

I'm not sure why we needed two shots virtually the same. It would have been nice if they had taken one from Wally's direction so we could get a look from a different angle. Not diggin' him in the background looking small. Anyway. Are they meeting up with Zoom's new incarnation, the Rival?

Two Flashes (Again) - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

There are going to be so many speedsters in Central City, it will soon be the NORM to be a speedster and be kind of awkward if you're out of your tight leathers. I'm still not sold on Kid's missing head gear. It looks really odd standing next to The Flash.

Hey Other Flash - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

Will we be privy to their first meeting, or has Barry already met Kid Flash. Given past experience, we know he doesn't automatically recognize other speedsters behind their masks. Will he be too dense to see the Wally behind the mask here?

Still on the Job - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

Barry still appears to have his powers. At the very least, he has retained his suit, and it would be mighty odd if he was running around town in it at normal speed. He wouldn't do THAT, right?

Happy at Last - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

The Allen family is happy at last, but will it be long lasting happiness? The synopsis for The Flash Season 3 said some changes were irrevocable. Which ones will they be? Will Barry still lose his dad while his mother continues to live? It should be interesting!

All Smiles - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

Barry appears to be all smiles for now, but is he yet aware of how many changes have been made to his life or has he been living in a cocoon?

Together Again - The Flash Season 3 Episode 1

It's been a long time since Barry has had his parents together. But should a little boy's wish come true, or should he be thinking like a man? Like a hero?

Wrong Bad Guy

Barry has the wrong bad guy locked up behind a cage.