Ashley Staredown

Ashley stares down Ricky in this Secret Life scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Rules of Engagement."

Animated Chat

Ricky looks animated during this chat with Adrian. The scene is courtesy of the episode "Rules of Engagement."

Amy and Ben

Amy and Ben have a run-in on "Rules of Engagement." This is the Secret Life summer finale episode.

Seduction Attempt

What is this photo about? Tune in to the Secret Life summer 2010 finale and find out for yourself!

Showing Her Ring

Yes, that's a ring on Adrian's finger. Cue parental reaction in 3... 2... 1...

Amy with Ricky

Amy and Ricky receive shocking news about Ashley during the summer finale of Secret Life. Shocking, we tell ya!

Ricky's Smile

This smile says it all. Ricky himself is a major reason why many people tune in each week to The Secret Life.