Kelly Looks On - The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17

Tensions mount on The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17.

Kelly Watches in Horror - The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17

This is a still of The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17.

Exposing the Commonwealth - The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17

This is a still of The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17.

Pursuing the Familes - The Walking Dead

Can Hornsby be stopped from pursuing the families on The Walking Dead. "Lockdown" is the 17th episode of the show's 11th season.

The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 17 Quotes

Pamela: You've humiliated me. And yourself.
Sebastian: I told you I shouldn't have come here.

Pamela: Would you like one?
Yumiko: It's a little early for me. Thank you. You tear-gassed my friends.
Pamela: If they were there, they were in defiance of lockdown.
Yumiko: And did it help? Did it actually make the troopers' jobs easier outside the walls?
Pamela: It was about what could have happened. It was about safety. It always is.
Yumiko: And you don't care that it makes you look guilty?
Pamela: If you have an accusation, Yumiko, make it.
Yumiko: Look. Can you really sit there and say there is no way your son did the things he was accused of?
Pamela: He's always been something of a renegade, it's true. But his grandfather and uncles were the same way, and they mellowed over time. Became leaders of men. Maybe he's having his youthful rebellions later than most, but he's not a murderer.
Yumiko: Pamela, I am trying to figure out how much you knew. It might be my job to defend you.
Pamela: How can I talk to my lawyer freely when she's also friends with the most prominent journalist around?