A Bad Feeling - Tall - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Daryl and Yumiko come across something they do not like.

A Bad Feeling - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Daryl and Yumiko come across something they do not like.

The More The Merrier - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Eugene, Gabriel, and Rosita arrive at the Kingdom.

A New Beginning - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Lydia tries to adjust to her new life away from the Whisperers.

If They Only Knew - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

If Ezekial and Carol only knew the jeopardy Henry has put their community in, they wouldn't be so chipper.

Warning Signs - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Will Lydia heed Michonne's warning and leave in order to protect Henry?

Done For Now - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Hopefully Henry is through making bone-headed decisions this season. Save some for Season 10.

Young Love - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Lydia and Henry share an intimate moment together.

Are You Not Entertained? - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Enid, Kelly, and Connie take part in the fair's festivities.

Symphony of Awesome - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Luke and Alden prepare to entertain the crowd during the fair.

Enjoy Yourself - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Hopefully Kelly (Angel Theory) loosens up and enjoys the fair.

Lovebirds - The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15

Jerry (Cooper Andrews) and his wife enjoy the fair together.

The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 15 Quotes

The crossing over the river may be gone but we rebuilt a bridge none the less.


Tell them the next time they cross over to my land, my horde will cross into theirs.
