Little Jacob - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Colton and Kat Distribute Flyers - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Kat is Upset - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Elliott and Alice On the Way to the Pond - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Kat Listens Intently - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

A Day at the Market - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Desperation - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Elliott and Alice in 1993 - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Elliott in Shadows - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Brady at the Office - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Alice By the Pond - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

Del Looks Worried - The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2

On The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2, Kat is presented with a book deal that asks her to dredge up painful memories. Del wants to say goodbye to the past, while Alice yearns to return there.

The Way Home Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Kat: I went to the cemetery. You officially declared Jacob dead.
Del: It was time. That's why I wrote you the letter. I had gotten his death certificate, and I thought you should know.
Kat: So that's the letter that you say you didn't send.
Del: I didn't! I knew how you would react.
Kat: Because a Landry never gives up hope.
Del: She does if she's the only one left waiting.

Del: I lost my whole world in three months.
Alice: Your whole world except for mom.
Del: I realize you deserve to know what happened, but once you do, we have to be done with it. That is the only way this is gonna work.