Alan in the Hospital

Walden pays his pal a visit in this scene from Two and a Half Men. Poor Alan just suffered a heart attack.

Down Goes Alan

Alan suffers a heart attack in this scene from Two and a Half Men. Don't worry. He'll be okay.

Kathy Bates on Two and a Half Men

Yes, Alan you're seeing things. And that thing is guest star Kathy Bates as Charlie Harper.

Two and a Half Men Season 9 Episode 22 Quotes

Walden: How are you feeling?
Alan: Fantastic, I am on a morphine drip, everyone should have a morphine drip, and there will be no more drips.

Jake: Honest to God, someone put that pot in my locker.
Walden: Why would someone do that?
Jake: That my friend, is the million dollar question.