Bjorn - Vikings Season 4 Episode 17

Bjorn is looking pretty powerful on Vikings Season 4 Episode 17

Evil Floki - Vikings Season 4 Episode 16

Everyone should be very afraid of Floki and that's what we are.

Fascinating - Vikings Season 4 Episode 16

Ivar the Boneless and Lagertha make a fascinating duo.

Lagertha Red Riding Hood - Vikings Season 4 Episode 16

Lagertha looks absolutely lovely in a red hood, right?

Ivar Demands Justice - Vikings Season 4 Episode 16

Ivar demands justice from Lagertha for the murder of his mother.

A Surprise Attack - Vikings

The fleet launches a surprise attack on Vikings. "Crossing" is the 16th episode of the show's fourth season.

A New Level - Vikings

Ragnar comes to a new level of understanding on Vikings. "All His Angels" is the 15th episode of the show's fourth season.

A Surprising Concession - Vikings

Ragnar acquires a surprising concession from King Ecbert on Vikings. "In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning" is the 14th episode of the show's fourth season.

Ragnar and Ivar in England - Vikings Season 4 Episode 13

Ragnar and Ivar make it to England on Vikings Season 4 Episode 13

Warrior Woman - Vikings Season 4 Episode 12

Lagertha is out working on her warrior woman tactics

The Vision! - Vikings

There's a huge vision that makes things very different for the characters.

Ragnar and Floki - Vikings Season 2 Episode 11

Ragnar reunites with friend Floki on Vikings Season 2 Episode 11.

Vikings Quotes

I wanted to step out of your shadow.
You understand that, don't you?


Who needs a reason for betrayal?
One must always think the worst Ragnar, even of your own kin.
That way, you avoid too much disappointment in life.
