Brain Surgeons - Zoo Season 3 Episode 3

Jamie and Clementine are the latest marvels in surgical news.

Disgruntled Parents - Zoo Season 3 Episode 3

Dariela and Abe are very angry about what's gone down with Isaac.

Jackson Makes Plans - Zoo Season 3 Episode 3

Jackson is making plans by the roaring fire in his cozy shack.

Making a Deal - Zoo

A deal is considered with Reiden Global on Zoo. "Ten Years Gone" is the third episode of the show's third season.

Zoo Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Mitch: Drill firmly and evenly just until the skull pops. Turn it off. Do not drill too far.
Jamie: Until the skull pops. Got it.
Clem: "Got it." Like this is no big deal.

Jamie: OK. What do we do?
Mitch: Land the plane. And I need you to get me four items. Car battery, commercial grade velcro, lollipops and a pig.