The ghosts tell Sam that they've found Crash's head.
The Martino Newsletter reveals that Pete's daughter Laura is getting married. Pete wishes he could be at the wedding. The ghosts think it would be a great idea to have Laura get married at the manor; Jay is unsure since Pete died at the manor.
Jay has an idea to offer Laura a free wedding service to have the wedding there.
Crash reveals that someone threw his head into one of the hollow trees in the woods. He says someone purposely took his head while he was watching TV. Isaac and Alberta team up to investigate all the ghosts to find out who took Crash's head.
Carol rejects Sam's offer. Pete reveals that the deck at his old place wasn't properly permitted when he built it. Sam thinks she'll have to report the deck to the neighborhood committee to get the wedding shut down and forced to Woodstone Manor.
The anonymous complaint worked and Carol/Pete's family have come to Woodstone Manor.
Alberta and Isaac start interviewing the ghosts. Trevor says he doesn't remember the previous year, and Hetty says she would get rid of the head in a way that no one would ever find it.
Crash reveals that he and Flower used to make out. Alberta and Isaac have a new suspect: Thorfinn.
Carol starts planning the wedding with Sam and Jay. Carol is stuck in her preferences and doesn't bend to Sam or Jay. Pete is upset that Carol is against all of his ideas.
Alberta and Isaac interrogate Thorfinn about Crash's head. They think Thorfinn got rid of the head because he was jealous of Flower and Crash. Thorfinn denies the accusations; he mentions that Flower didn't like Crash and was getting frustrated with him. The pair have a new suspect.
Pete says that lilies are important because Laura loved playing wedding dress-up with Pete; her bouquet was lilies. Jay thinks the best way to get lilies is to plant a clue in Pete's guidebook.
Isaac and Alberta interrogate Flower next. Flower admits to taking Crash's head.
Carol agrees to use lilies, but Little Pete calls out the wording in the booklet is new. Laura doesn't remember the lilies story either. Carol, Laura, and Little Pete call out Sam and Jay for planting the note in the book. They decide to not have the wedding at Woodstone Manor.
Sam apologizes to the Martinos. After saying Pete's special word, Laura feels moved to have the wedding at Woodstone Manor.
It's revealed that Pete got the type of flower wrong. It was orchids, not lilies.
Alberta catches Isaac in a line when he called out The Price Is Right. It's revealed that Isaac was the one who threw Crash's head in the tree stump. Isaac did it to spice things up and solve a mystery, but he ended up just forgetting.
The wedding is held at Woodstone Manor. Pete walks Laura down the aisle.
Crash tells Flower that he missed Flower while in the stump. As Crash starts singing, Flower pulled off her head and threw it outside.