Pete can check one thing off his list: he made it to his daughter's wedding day!
It was wedding season for the Martino family on Ghosts Season 2 Episode 19, but they were missing one important person. And in true Ghosts style, Sam and the Woodstone Manor crew did what they could to make Pete's dream come true.
A simple-yet-fun adventure that delivered an emotional payoff. Ghosts knows how to pack an emotional punch.

"Ghost Father of the Bride" had a sweet reason for their latest mishap; everyone wants to see Pete happy and be with his family. Getting to that wedding day was something we can all agree with.
Though, for an important story, nothing actually happened. Besides the lilies' lie, the A-plot fell flat.

Hear me out: the purpose of "Ghost Father of the Bride" was to get Laura, Pete's daughter, to have the wedding at Woodstone Manor. She agreed to this after Sam and Jay sabotaged her original venue.
The sabotage twist was a cheeky and silly move. Only a boy scout like Pete could see an unpermitted deck as a personal shame, and one that could wreak havoc in his community.
After that initial move, they already had the win.
The anticipation of Sam/Jay convincing the Martinos was over early on since they already won. All they had to do was not mess up the planning, but since Ghosts is a sitcom, they naturally would find a way to do that.

The plot beats were a little too routine. We didn't have much to grasp onto after the sabotage and after Carol discovered the lilies' lie.
Showing Carol being more of a tyrant and rejecting all of Pete's ideas would've added more depth to the story. Keeping it all to one scene brushed past a lot of the potential for more chaos.
Like the food choices? Greg asking for the father/daughter dance? Getting ABBA back in the music rotation?
Jay: Did he high-five me?
Sam: Uh, no. Your hand just went through Trevor’s face.
Jay: Oh, sorry, but it serves you right for trying to have sex with my sister.
🔗 permalink: Oh, sorry, but it serves you right for trying to have sex with my sister.
The party planning scene was a fun tense moment, but we needed more of it.
This might be a case of this storyline needing to be the full episode focus or for it to be back-to-back episodes. For a big moment in Pete's life, the shenanigans could've gone farther than defacing a page in a guidebook.

Still, the wedding was so beautiful!
Pete walking Laura down the wedding aisle was a touching moment that suited his character perfectly. He finally got to live an important milestone in his life that he had dreamed about for many years.
And yet, how did he not get "sucked off" here? It would've been the perfect send-off!
Pete: Right… orchids! Hah, my bad!
Trevor: Seriously?
Pete: What? I had a senior moment. Technically, I’m 78.
🔗 permalink: What? I had a senior moment. Technically, I’m 78.
Much of Pete's storyline has been about finding his confidence and addressing his family life. He overcame his wife's cheating, he learned about his daughter/grandson, and he got to walk his daughter down the aisle. These are monumental moments.
If a heartbreaking moment like his daughter's wedding wasn't enough to find eternal peace, then what will?!

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For the B-plot of "Ghost Father of the Bride," Crash's missing head could've been its own episode/A-plot.
Crash hadn't been seen much since Ghosts Season 1, with his head missing very early on in the series.
Kudos to the writers for filling in the gap about what happened to his character; it solved a plothole about someone who randomly disappeared.
Isaac: But how did you come to be in this tree stump? Did your head dislodge from a powerful sneeze, perhaps?
Crash: No. Somebody tossed me in there!
[They all gasp]
Isaac: But who? Who would do that?!
🔗 permalink: Somebody tossed me in there!
Before this mystery, we could've had Crash's body randomly appear throughout Woodstone Manor, reminding us of this character. Then, it would be a more significant focus to find his head or when it was finally discovered.
Instead, a potentially big mystery got shifted to the side with a few gags. There could've been so much more done to the investigation.

I loved Isaac and Alberta teaming up to solve the case.
We don't get many scenes of this pair together, but they worked really well. Alberta and Isaac had great chemistry; it was a strong comedic duo.
Isaac was more of the straight-laced instigator, while Alberta was the dramatic comic relief.
We need more plots of them working to solve cases. Maybe this will be how Alberta's murder mystery will get solved.

Based on the case, they did a good job following the clues and interrogating the suspects. Of course, Flower would confess to the crime; she barely understands what happens around her.
Did anyone else notice when Isaac slipped up?
When he said The Price Is Right, my ears perked up. Crash didn't mention that detail, but Isaac seemed to know it; he gave himself away in a very sloppy move. It's the type of clue any mystery lover would hope to witness.
Alberta: It was you all along, Isaac! The only thing I can’t figure out is why.
Isaac: I was very bored. I thought a mystery could spice things up, so, yes, I tossed Crash’s head into the woods.
🔗 permalink: I thought a mystery could spice things up, so, yes, I tossed Crash’s head into the woods.
Alberta having her Agatha Christie moment of putting the pieces together was deliciously enjoyable! You could see gears on her face; she loved every moment, and I was here for it.
You go, Alberta!

Last Thoughts From Woodstone Manor:
Flower and Crash, previously making out, adds a new layer to the already complicated love web of Woodstone Manor.
Let's cross out fingers Crash's head doesn't go missing for too long this time.
- Little Pete needs to expand his hobbies. Reading the same book repeatedly can only be fun for so long.

Now, over to you, Ghosts fans!
What did you think of "Ghost Father of the Bride"?
Did you guess right about who took Crash's head? Did you notice that the flowers were orchids and not lilies? Why did Carol hate "Dancing Queen" and ABBA?
If you missed the latest episode of Ghosts, you can watch Ghosts online via TV Fanatic. Come back here and share your thoughts in the comments below.