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Good Witch Season 5 Episode 10 Review: The Graduation

Critic's Rating: 4 / 5.0

The only constant is change.

That's the saying that gets tossed into your face when you're concerned about what comes next.

Good Witch Season 5 Episode 10 sends Grace and Nick to their adult lives, and with that, a new chapter of Good Witch is born.

Graduation Day - Good Witch
(Hallmark Channel)

When the Good Witch movies first began, Cassie had just moved to Middleton. 

She very quickly found a place in the heart of Jake Russell, and with that romance was the introduction of kids to Good Witch.

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Brandon and Lori were about the same ages that Grace was when she was aged up out of the movies and into the series.

Good Witch has always featured children. Does it need to? 

With the graduation of Nick and Grace, there is an opportunity to revamp the series going forward. 

To do that, the younger crowd had to grow up, and they've done that excellently.

Nick found his passion for creating video games early during Good Witch Season 5, but Grace, although quite studious, never expressed a driving force motivating her future.

With her love for so many artistic endeavors, it's not a stretch to believe she suddenly found it the day before high school graduation, but it is a stretch to believe Cassie had waited so long to steer Grace in the right direction.

Given the name of the series, it's always been assumed although never blatantly revealed that there is something magical about Cassie.

But given her strong sense of perception, it's also a possibility that she uses that quality so well that she only seems otherwise gifted.

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The use of potions and spells isn't needed when you understand alchemy and the healing powers of botanicals. She studied that craft in college.

Her powers of persuasion as a result of her awareness of the human condition come in very handy, and her less-than upfront approach to her wizardry only make her seem more mysterious.

Tossing the Tassel - Good Witch Season 5 Episode 10
(Crown Media United States LLC/Brooke Palmer)

Cassie follows a path of least resistence.

She allows others to find their way by subversively planting in their minds what she believes is best for them. By remaining seemingly impartial, she allows those around her to heed her judgment even if they don't realize they're doing it.

So, it's strange that Grace almost needed a shoe to the behind before she found her bliss in fashion design.

If Cassie hadn't arranged the unique journey for Grace to undertake before graduation day, Grace may have entered college without ever understanding her true purpose.

Linda's return threatened Nick's future, if only for a hot minute.

While it's hard to embrace change when you feel the control you have over a child slipping through your fingers, the way Sam embraced the opportunity to include Linda in his plans to ease her mind was sweet.

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Since there wasn't a formal announcement that Rhys Matthew Bond was leaving Good Witch, it's always been a possibility that something might sway him to stick around Middleton.

Instead, his relationship with his mother sent him packing even earlier than fall semester! They're presence will surely be missed, but they've grown into wonderful adults just as expected.

Luke Graduates - Good Witch Season 5 Episode 10
(Crown Media United States LLC/Brooke Palmer)

With the kids gone, what does that mean for the rest of Middleton? There is a lot of excitement brewing for Good Witch Season 6!

What could have been a season-only arc, the search for the Middleton treasure, expanded on the finale. That was unexpected!

The music box that Cassie and Sam found was beautiful, but when the music stopped playing, a giant emerald popped out of the bottom of the box. 

Was there an earlier discussion about an emerald, a ruby, and a diamond? Martha wasn't surprised at the appearance of the emerald but the absence of the ruby and diamond. It seems the hunt will continue, but in an entirely new direction.

And the curse affecting Abigail and Donovan, which even Cassie believed to be created by suggestive forces of the mind, could turn out to be something based in reality.

We've done an entire slideshow on the inappropriate way people respond the first time they hear I love you from someone. Abigail landed as spot on the roster when she said thank you in response to those three little words from Donovan.

Matters became even worse when Abigail found herself unable to emit the words physically. She went to great lengths to remedy the awkward  situation and prove her love to Donovan, but it didn't work.

Abigail: These words are not easy for me to say, but here it goes. I’m sorry.

Donovan: Oh.

Abigail: What you told me, I guess it took me by surprise.

Donovan. I, I guess.

Abigail: And I did this to try and make it up to you.

Donovan: That’s nice.

Abigail: Donovan. I. I.

Donovan: If you can’t say it, it’s OK.

Abigail: I’m thinking it in my head, but the word can’t come out of my mouth.

Donovan: Maybe you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.

Abigail: No, I’m telling you I physically can’t say it! I think it’s the curse.

Donovan: You know what, I think I’m just gonna call it a night.

Abigail: No! I can prove to you that it’s real.

Donovan: The Curse?

Abigail: No! How I feel about you! I, I literally spelt it out! [a gust of wind blows flower petals spelling out I love you off the couch] This isn’t happening!

Donovan: I think you might be right.

🔗 permalink: I think you might be right.

I don't know how contracts work on Good Witch, but if Marc Bendavid doesn't return as Donovan next season, that will be a lost opportunity. As magic has never been evidenced outside of the powers of persuasion, investigating a curse with physical ramifications will be all kinds of fun.

Making the show a little more adult-oriented shouldn't change the appeal of Good Witch, and it opens up a lot more time for the amazing adult cast to get their time in the spotlight.

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Maybe there will even be a promotional photo or two of Stephanie and Adam for Season 6!

Because, yes, they're still hot and heavy as of the finale, but he's not getting attached to her by purchasing Vincent's half of the food truck. That was what I hoped Vincent was going to share with Stephanie about the unexpected buyer.

Family and Friends at Graduation - Good Witch Season 5 Episode 10
(Crown Media United States LLC/Brooke Palmer)

Lisa Gold did not make a great first impression. Will she expect more from Stephanie than she's able to give as a business partner?

Expecting a newly operating food truck to be running 24/7 in a city is asking too much. Expecting it in the sleepy town of Middleton is outrageous. 

Stephanie wanted to increase business with the addition of the food truck, not jump ship out of her bistro and leap into a truck full time. Even with a good review, businesses still take time to come together.

Lisa will likely be one of the new characters we get to now during the upcoming season, so hopefully, she'll prove to be more compatible with the rest of the group.

Surely, she was just so craving a Monte Cristo sandwich that it soured her mood to the person who could have delivered it to her.

What are your thoughts on the changing landscape of Good Witch?

Will you miss having a younger crowd on hand to the point you think some new, similar characters should get involved?

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Or are you looking forward to seeing Cassie and Sam flourish as empty-nesters even while their children's absence never means they have an empty home with the steady stream of guests?

What storyline must continue when the new season gets underway?

Hit the comments, just this once, to share your thoughts! Make sure you watch Good Witch online if you miss Middleton, and  I'll be reviewing Chesapeake Shores starting next week, so don't go anywhere!

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