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Gotham Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Pilot

On the series premiere of Gotham…

Jim Gordan, a rookie detective, and his partner, Harvey Bullock, investigate the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

Edward Nygma lets them know about the bullet. After looking to Fish Mooney for some clues, the two are led to Mario Pepper, who has a daughter named Ivy.

They find Martha’s pearls, and after a chase and fight, Harvey saves Jim by shooting Mario.

Oswald Cobblepot, who works for Fish, snitches on Fish and says Mario was set up.

Jim’s girlfriend, Barbara, who has a past with cop Renee Montoya, learns from Mario about the setting up who tells Jim.

Fish tries to have Jim killed, along with Harvey, who attempts to save Jim, but Carmine Falcone, the crime boss saves the two. He tells Jim that Gotham is falling.

Fish learns of Oswald’s betrayal and beats him.

In order to  play by the “rules” of the mob, Jim is ordered to kill Oswald. Except, Jim fakes Oswald’s death, telling him to never return to Gotham.

Jim lets Bruce know the killer is still out there.

Oswald returns, killing an innocent fisherman.

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