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Grey’s Anatomy Review: Oh, What a Night

Critic's Rating: 4.4 / 5.0

Grey’s Anatomy celebrated its 200th episode with Grey Sloan Memorial throwing a seriously amazing gala. Was it the event of the season? I’m going with yes (even though we’ve technically only just begun).

Puttin’ on the Ritz” featured our favorite doctors charming Seattle’s rich and famous in hopes of raising money for repairs for the hospital. Donned in elegant gowns and dashing tuxes, the physicians were at their finest and I absolutely loved every bit of their competitiveness.

Smiling Torres
(ABC/Danny Feld)

I almost found myself forgetting about the scalpels and scrubs, as it was honestly just nice to see them out and about being fancy and all. Perhaps the most dramatic part at the big party was when an aerialist crashed to the ground and horrifically broke her leg. My jaw dropped, and I kind of wanted to high-five Callie for totally calling it when the girl plummeted to the floor.

Back at the hospital, things were crazy as usual. With the grownups gone, Shane and Stephanie took the opportunity to step it up and rock the ER. Then, there was Leah, who was stuck babysitting in pediatrics and even both April and Arizona.

I found Arizona and April’s bonding scene in the supply closet very interesting. Right now, these two characters are my least favorite but seeing them together and just laughing and drinking away their sorrows was kind of entertaining. I was a little surprised, but it just worked. Also, who could really forget that awkward moment when April asked to try on Arizona’s leg?! That was just strange but oddly hilarious.

Meanwhile, Bailey struggled to help a dying patient who didn’t want to give up. While Meredith believed that Webber simply needed to hit rock bottom, Bailey tried to do everything she could to get him back on his feet. I was stunned when he pushed her so hard that she fell down. What a jerk! He didn’t even apologize.

Anyway, Bailey’s plan worked and the former chief seems to finally be fighting for his life. However, it has to only be a matter of time when Meredith confronts him for the awful things that he said to her.

Elsewhere: last week Crowen decided that they would try to start seeing other people. Owen is apparently doing just that. From the looks of things, Cristina is going to let it happen, but something tells me that she’ll soon be eating her words sooner than later.

Lastly, Alex’s dad checked into the hospital high and drunk. Alex spent a majority of the time simply wondering if it was really him, and was completely pissed off when he found out the truth. I really liked how supportive Jo was, whether it was talking up her boyfriend at the gala or even helping him back at the hospital. We know that Alex has a complicated past with his family and I am glad we are finally learning more about it. More importantly, he’s got Jo to help him through it. He’s found his dad now. What’s next? Will he be willing to try and have a relationship with him?

Other thoughts:

  • I loved every single MerDer scene. These two steal the show every time! Maybe it’s because of their whole sparkly eye thing. Also, when Derek was juggling impressively, I started to wonder if there’s anything McDreamy can’t do.
  • I know Jackson and Stephanie have been an item for awhile now, but I’ve been indifferent to their relationship status. I was a bit caught off guard when Shane suddenly kissed Stephanie, and I liked that Stephanie immediately went to talk to Jackson about what happened. Nonetheless, I still feel like April is going to come between these two.
  • Don’t forget to check out the Grey’s Anatomy quotes.
  • Be sure to return early next week to chime in on our Grey’s Anatomy Round Table.

Overall, I thought this was a fun installment that was jam-packed with so much going on and introduced us to a slew of storylines. I appreciated the couple of nods to Grey’s Anatomy history and even the glitz and glam of the gala, but I think more could have been done seeing as this was the 200th episode.

I mean, that’s a really big deal! What did you think? What will happen next with Alex finding his dad? How will the rest of Webber’s recovery go?


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