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Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 7 Recap: Something Against You

The doctors get called into the hospital for a beloved patient.

Jackson and April have a dinner date so they can talk, but Jackson is planning to discuss divorce.

Owen asks Meredith how she can deal with working with Penny.

Dr. Riggs is new on staff, as a surprise to the doctors. Bailey hired him without consulting anyone else.

Meredith's patient is there for a kidney, but it turns out that he has a cancerous tumor that could cause him to be kicked off the transplant list.

Callie is upset about the way Meredith is dealing with Penny.

Amelia worries that she was being racist when she didn't believe Edwards. She asks Maggie for advice, who tells her she needs to notice it when she makes a judgment.

Meredith talks to Owen, and even though he won't say why he hates Riggs, Meredith tells him that she made Cristina a promise to look after him.

Jo feels slighted because Penny was given the opportunity to help with her patient's surgery.

Richard goes with Arizona to trivia night, only to learn she's only there to meet girls. But he's more than willing to volunteer to be her wingman.

Jackson goes home, and he and April sleep together.

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