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Grey’s Anatomy Season 19 Episode 19 Recap: Wedding Bell Blues

Simone gets upset when she ntoices that Lucas left home early on her wedding day to head into the hospital to avoid her. She heads all the way there and tells him she's still marrying Trey and doesn't want to hurt him or lose him and she needs him to look after their patient fo rher, and he tells her he'd do anything for her.

Winston keeps trying to find ways to get out of going to Boston. Teddy names him head of Cardio.

Blue finds a woman who brings her son into the hospital, he's an 8 year old who may be overdosing. He brings him in and gets Owen. He tells him to call CPS, and Blue is reluctant and the mother ends up collapsing too.

Mika goes off on Sam for being disrespectful to her, which impresses both Owen and Link. She drives with Helm to the wedding and thanks her for advocating for her. They kiss. And later at the wedding when they help Trey out with things, they kiss again.

Bailey, Winston, and Nick all show up to ride on the private jet to Boston with Catherine and Webber. it's awkward, especially when Amelia shows up and Winston refuses to sit with her.

He makes cutting comments about her too which makes Bailey and Webber uncomfortable but entertains Catherine.

The investigation with Enzo becomes crijminal when the cops want to talk to Blue becuase they found fentanyl in Enzo's system and it has become a criminal case.

Simone faces more bad oments on her wedding day when  there's a dead bird and her dress rips.

Link is going crazy and taking it out on others because he's still jealous about Sam.

Lucas takes care of Toby, and she notices that he is in love with Simone.

Maxine encourages Blue to advocate for Carmen when the police get involved and arrest her in part beause they don't have a proper translator. He realizes that Enzo may have thought the drugs were some kind of candy and got ahold to it when she was taking a shower.

The flight to Boston is very turbulent both witht the weather and as Winston and Amelia continue to be at odds. He asks her if she meant what she said, and she doesn't take back her words.

they all settle down when the turbulence gets bad and then calms down and seem to be okay with each other.

Owen commends Blue for helping the woman.

Simone starts to realize while walking down the aisle that it isn't what she wants since her grandmother told her that her mother broke up her engagement to be with Simone's father.

Maxine starts to code, and Blue defies her DNR to save her. Levi finds him and goes off about it.

Simone shows up at the hospital and sees Lucas with Toby. Toby tells them to go. Simone and Lucas go the oncall room and make out before having sex when she tells him she didn't get married.

Nick goes to Mer's house to talk tko her and a mysterious, hot man named Michael opens the door and says Mer isn't home and that maybe Nick should text first.

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