They rush Teddy into the OR while Simone and Lucas are in a state of shock over what happened with the patient.
Nick comes into the class and wonders which of them he should be firing since no one did what he told them to do when he left. Nick is annoyed.
Catherine gives Mer options to shut down things or get set aside because she's dealing with the backlash from Mer's statements about Alzheimers.
Teddy is good and WInston and others are focused on her care.
Nick is still on a tear over the interns and even Levi for leaving them alone. He orders them not to practice medicine, but Simone and Lucas get caught up trying to save a guy who comes into the ambulance. Another self-driving truck crashes into them while they're helping the man in the ambulance and they get knocked around and stuck.
Blue tries to get Jules to talk about her saying she loved him, but she refuses.
Bailey and Mer are outside with the ambulance and the self driving car that's on the fritz as it keeps hitting the Ambo. They're working to stop the car, but the patient inside with Lucas and Simone needs surgery. Mer may have to talk them through an emergency surgery.
They have to figure out and operate on Teddy before she ends up losing her leg.
Link talks to Sam Sutton's mother about what happened to him and about his surgery. She's upset and blames the doctors for not finding the tear in his aorta sooner.
Owen is nervous about Winston performing an emergency heart surgery on Teddy, but he reminds him that Teddy was the one who made him chief of cardio.
Mer and Bailey tell Simone and Lucas they have to perform surgery in between the times that the car is getting rammed. Simone doesn't want to do it because she's still reeling from killing someone, while Lucas is all in on doing it. There's tension between them.
Blue comes out and stops the car by puncturing the tire. And it's after they talk Simone and Lucas through the surgery. There's still tension between the two.
Amelia keep supporting Owen through everything with Teddy but in realizing that a toothache led to heart issues for Teddy, she's thinking that Mer's hypotheses may not be insane after all.
Bailey reminds Mer that her intern class messed up a lot. They have Simone and Lucas scrub in despite what Marsh said.
Yasuda is emotional about Teddy and overhears Amelia and Owen talking about her. Helm tries to comfort her but she isn't ready for it, and when she bumps into Jo she goes off on Jo about how they paged and called but she wasn't there (because she was making out with Link)
Teddy's surgery goes well.
Webber tells Bailey about how he almost took a drink.
Nick tells Mer that he wouldn't in good conscience want to leave the program in disarray to move to Boston. But he wants to move to Boston.
Blue and Jules talk about it being better if they don't do anything else with each other.
Simone and Luas talk. She doesn't understand why he didn't feel regret about breaking the rules and Sam dying. She does. She expresses needing a break.
Jo and Link talk about their relationship when Jo expresses doubts about feeling happy. But they're in a good place and don't blame each other about the Sam situation.
Richard goes to a meeting and works to program again getting his one-day chip.
Mr shares her research with Amelia and wants help.
Teddy wakes up.
Nick announces that he's leaving but Bailey is taking over.