The film opens with multiple Golden Retriever puppies. Katie struggles to select one to raise to be a dog guide. Mark, the trainer, suggests Garth since he's calm, and the puppy questions what a guide is.
Garth sees Emily for the first time at the cafe. They liked each other instantly, not knowing it would be one of many meet-ups.
Emily and Connor take a weekend getaway to escape the stress of wedding planning and work. They both love rock climbing, and after Connor climbs a steep hill, Emily tries, but a rock hits her in the head, and she collapses.
Emily awakens, panicked, because there are bandages over her eyes. Her mom, Martha, calms her down, and Dr. Andserson explains the bandages are helping her eyes heal. Emily suffered from Post-traumatic iridodonesis because of the fall. Her eye is injured, and they need to see if she can regain her vision.
Seeing Katie train puppy Garth was a welcome change to the seriousness of Emily's arc.
Emily needed round-the-clock care, but Connor still went to work, leaving Emily to struggle to get around their apartment. She grabbed some egg noodles thinking they were potato chips and tripped over the couch.
When Connor returned, he and Martha fought over him leaving Emily alone. This only made Emily feel more like a burden. Martha decided that Emily should stay with her until they knew the following steps, and she finally broke down.
The little girl next store, Zoe, was curious about Emily and asked if she would get a guide dog to help her. After hearing what happened, Drew, Emily's friend from work, also checked in. Emily has now learned to send talking texts.
Connor tries to take Emily out to dinner, but she's nervous. He left when she went to the ladies' room, and she had difficulty finding her way back and wanted to leave.
Garth also struggles with training, but he listens to Katie when she orders him to leave another dog alone.
Apparently, Emily's problems have become too much for Connor. He accepted a promotion in Tokyo without discussing it with her.
Katie has Garth practice at the same medical center where Emily is getting her eyes re-checked. Garth thinks Emily is scared. Emily learns she can't see, and Martha and Zoe try to help, but Emily is too overwhelmed.
Drew visits again to encourage Emily to return to work, but instead, Emily insists on resigning.
Emily's friend, Matthew, who heard from Zoe about what happened, also visits. They walk along the beach, listening to bird calls. Drew and the rest of the work team return, refusing to let her quit. Drew called the School for the Blind and encouraged her to try it.
Garth is the cutest puppy as he revels in Katie's praise, whether he's learning that skunks aren't friends or not to mess up the house.
Matthew takes Emily to the School for the Blind where they teach mobility and orientation. The owner, Julie, is also blind and reassures Emily that now she has an apartment, has learned to cook, and even went skiing.
After two months, Julie makes Emily find her way back from the walking path to the school by herself. Matthew became scared when Emily almost walked into the street and fell over a rock. He wanted to help, but Julie reminded him that Emily needed to regain her confidence.
Emily wanted to celebrate and face her fears by getting burgers at the marina. She ran into the same waitress, Lindy, in the ladies' room, who commented on her cane.
Garth sees Emily and wonders if she sees him.
Emily hears the ruckus and wants to know what's happening, and Matthew tells her an untrained dog is going after a service dog. The lady tells Lindy that her dog, Jasper has just as much right to be there. Lindy tells them to leave, and Katie soothes Garth. Matthew offers to buy their lunch.
Emily takes an Uber to the office. She gets into the wrong car after getting muffins, and these mistakes are so realistic. Then, she and Drew video conference instead.
Katie and Garth about him needing to prove himself to become a guide dog. They return to the marina and try lunch again.
Matthew and Emily watch an old movie with Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn. He narrates it for her, and she asks why he keeps doing these sweet things. He says he loves her.
Matthew won the dog guide debate and booked Emily an appointment. Since Katie is saying goodbye to Garth, could this be it?
He sees Emily at the center and gives her puppy kisses. Emily wants him, but there is a long list, and Garth whines having to leave her.
Matthew makes Emily a Lego board to memorize the rock climbing wall.
Garth refuses to cooperate with Mark, and Mark struggles to find him a new home. When he says Emily's name, the dog perks up, and he gets it.
Emily and Garth are finally reunited. Emily and Garth visit Mathew at the climbing wall, and she tries climbing the wall. She finally has everything she wants.