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Hijack Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Brace Brace Brace

The woman takes control of the flight and flies it off course.

Stuart, or any other kidnapper, has no idea who the woman is.

Sam convinces Stuart to give him the loaded gun to prevent the angry passenger from killing him.

Stuart complies as the passengers overpower the kidnappers and tie them. Sam bands the passengers together to tackle a new problem.

Flight control prepares for K29 to enter their airspace.

Sam tries to know who the woman in the cockpit is. He calls her, but she destroys the phone.

The crisis team learns what the hijack was about. It was about tanking the airline's stock for profit.

Marsha tells Daniel about a phone call she received to confirm Sam's address. He heads there.

The woman in the cockpit is a mom.

Flight control learns that the plane is headed straight for the center of London.

The crisis team has to decide whether to shoot the plane down or not.

Police show up at Sam's, and they find the cleaners. One of the cleaner finesses his way out of the situation, as the other finds Kai.

Flight attendants find everyone's phones. Sam calls Alice and updates her on the situation.

British fighter jets sandwich the plane.

The Home and Foreign Secretaries continue debating what to do.

The jets lock on the plane.

The Foreign Secretary tells the Prime Minister they can't shoot down the plane full of British citizens.

The jets fall back.

Somewhere, Edgar follows the Kingdom Airline stocks decline.

Daniel calls Kai, and the cleaners pull a gun on Kai. He tells Daniel that everything is okay. He sends a secret message to Daniel that everything is not okay.

The passengers get their phones, and everyone tries to find the person whose phone they have.

Another passenger surrenders and identifies himself as a trader who made the trade for Edgar.

Edgar's people are nervous and want to run, but Edgar wants the hold on a little longer to make more money. They kill him and make the trade.

The woman on the plane tries to contact Edgar without success. She panics as the flight approaches the city.

Passengers call their loved ones.

Daniel orchestrates a plan to save Kai. Zhara is suspicious of Sam.

The passengers learn that the woman's name is Amanda. The rest of the passengers grow impatient and want to break into the cockpit.

Amanda calls Sam, who knows they have her daughter Elodie and they will kill her.

He convinces her to open the cockpit to him alone. She opens and agrees to land the plane.

Daniel fakes a fire emergency and saves Kai from the cleaners.

Alice guides the plane where to land, but after that, Amanda is promised she won't be prosecuted.

The plane crash-lands. Everyone survives.

The passengers alight and are frisked. The kidnappers are arrested but the police mistake the trader for Stuart.

Sam remembers he left something on the plane and goes back for it, but Stuart locks the door and decides to kill Sam before the police find and kill him.

The police breach the plane after hearing gunshots and arrest Stuart after Sam disarms Stuart.

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