Is the back half of this season dragging a bit? Or is it just me?
The Gabriel mystery has really fizzled out as of late, and Miller's murder and the coverup just aren't playing out in a way that's very exciting for us viewers. How to Get Away with Murder Season 5 Episode 13 packed some emotional moments and those final twists, but it just feels like something is missing.
There was a time when every episode left you feeling dizzy and breathless, with some much anticipation for what's to come. But nowadays I'm left just feeling a bit empty.
This hour was all about setting us up for the final episodes, and it's also setting up a new villain.
For a while, it was unclear just where Tegan's loyalties lay, but it seems like she is very much a card-carrying member of Team Annalise.
Her tactical flirting with Agent Telesco was a savage move, and for now, it gives Annalise and company more time to continue covering their bases.
Related: How To Get Away With Murder Season 5 Episode 11 – Be The Martyr
Never having Annalise and Telesco meet leaves us wondering what she was willing to tell the FBI in exchange for her freedom.
Had Telesco whipped out that flow chart and shown Annalise all the evidence and all the connected dots, what would have happened next?
Annalise: What about me loving myself, Mamma? Doesn’t that count for anything?
Ophelia: You’ll never love yourself if you hurt people, Anna Mae. We both know that.
🔗 permalink: You’ll never love yourself if you hurt people, Anna Mae. We both know that.
At her core, Annalise is a fixer. She seems to feel most useful when she's in control of a situation and right now things aren't in her control.
And when you really think about it, things hardly ever seem to be in her control in many ways.

Frank said it best when he was talking to Nate and said that Annalise should take the deal.
She's cleaning up messes and putting out fires, yet her hands are clean in a variety of ways.
Would she ever dime out the most important people in her life?
I think we can all agree the answer is no, but whether or not that's the right thing to do is another question entirely.
I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the two "family" dinners, where one mother attempted to be complimentary, and another was chastising and questioning.
Connor's mom is an absolute trip, and her laying into the kids about the fact that none of them were spending Christmas with their families got played for laughs, but in reality, was extremely sad.

It was at that moment I finally realized how much Gabriel belongs in that group. If you overlook the fact that most of them aided in the murder of his father.
Related: How To Get Away With Murder Season 5 Episode 12 – We Know Everything
It's still unclear just what Gabriel's purpose is now that he's out and about as Sam's child. Does he now serve as just a romantic subplot for Michaela? Maybe there are more secrets buried under the surface.
It looks like he is talking to his mother about Michaela, so maybe he's not hiding as much as I thought he was.
But I'm still not sold on what his character brings to the table now.

With so much focus on Gabriel and Miller, another new guy on the scene has been completely ignored for the most part.
Emmett has been painted to be a man with questionable judgment who seems to harbor some romantic feelings towards Annalise.
And that is literally all we know about him.
So, it's both shocking and not shocking when the governor speaks his name as the one who was responsible for Nate Senior's death.
Governor Birkhead [to Annalise]: I know who killed Nate Senior. You know him too. Emmett Crawford.
🔗 permalink: I know who killed Nate Senior. You know him too. Emmett Crawford.
Now we all know the governor is coming with an agenda. We've been watching this show for too long to fall for the sad face and mysterious envelope trick and believe that's the end of the story.

Her whole career is teetering on the edge, and she's connected to a crime she didn't commit. But placing the blame on Emmett without any tangible evidence makes no sense.
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So why oh why would Emmett Crawford want Nate Senior dead?
Well, for starters that entire case put a massive target on Annalise's back and thus the firms back as well, but Emmett has always been pretty supportive of Annalise and what she's aimed to do.
But maybe that was just a big rouse and this whole time he has been pulling the strings from that glass house he calls an office.

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Devoting one of the final episodes to trying to dissect the motives of a man who pops up a few times an hour to hint about his crush on Annalise doesn't seem all that worthwhile.
But it does get us one step closer to piecing together all of the things that lead us to Miller's dead body.
And I for one am ready to put that storyline to bed.

Everything Else You Need To Know
- So Bonnie thought she was pregnant for a hot minute, but it appears to be untrue. It's honestly the last thing she needs at this point. I will say whatever is happening with her and Frank is starting to grow on me, and I don't know how to feel about it.
- What is Laurel doing? Was she going to hand the blanket over to the FBI? She gets more and more insufferable as the series goes on.
- Cicely Tyson is a treasure. And I could watch her and Viola Davis read a phone book and be totally enthralled.

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With only two more episodes to go, I want to know where you guys think things are headed and if you agree with me or you think I'm missing the mark.
Why do you think Emmett would want Nate Senior dead?
What is Gabriel's purpose now?
Would you want Connor's mom to attend your holiday dinner?
As always, leave me a comment so we can discuss.
And watch How to Get Away with Murder online so you can join the debate!