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Invasion Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: The Tunnel

Monty grinds the gears on his father's Jaguar as Jamila and her classmates head to Paris to search for Casper. They discover the Channel Tunnel is closed. Jamila learns about the counterattack against the aliens. Jamila searches for an alternative way into the tunnel. They pop a door to a maintenance building, evading soldiers and entering the tunnel. Despite hearing an explosion, they decide to keep going. A doctor in the secure ward of a Paris hospital looks in on the comatose Casper. The ward is filled with children who have some connection to the aliens. Monty and Jamila discuss when they determined Casper was special. They find the dead French recon team. An alien comes after them then falls dead. The missing Penny went exploring and found access walkways for workers and dead aliens. They leave without noticing that one alien still lives. Penny senses the aliens. An ambulance driver crashes into the hospital and warns Esmee to expect something hostile. The children are chanting "Wajo." Esmee orders an evacuation as she realizes a worse version of the aliens is coming. She's forced to leave behind Casper. The new version of the aliens look like huge wolves. Alfie's fire doesn't drive them back. They run, closing a big door just in time. The exhausted classmates start squabbling. Jamila blames herself for their situation. Alfie and Monty declare a truce. Casper finds a way to communicate with Jamila. She urges him to use his connection with the aliens to figure out how to defeat them. Jamila's group uses climbing gear to get through the wreckage. The aliens are in the cross-tunnels. The French have set up explosives to blow the tunnel. After soldiers get the teens out, they blow the tunnel. Darwin gets wounded. The rest continue after Casper. 

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