In the two episodes that have aired since Jane By Design‘s return, the show has shown a new maturity. This shift in tone is much appreciated. The stories are no longer focused on Jane rushing around, fixing a mistake or treating Billy as her lackey.
Instead, we actually see the characters deal with workplace politics and realistic personal problems. In “The Celebrity,” the absence of Nick and Lulu and the introduction of Zoe was surprisingly positive. I was a fan of Nick and Jane together, but now he seems too immature for her. And Zoe is a huge step up from Lulu … at least as introduced.

I’m actually a bit nervous to say this, but Zoe may be exactly what Billy needs right now. The tension between Billy and Jane is why they can’t get together. They need their friendship much more. So, if Billy can move on with Zoe, then perhaps, he can mend his relationship with Jane. Plus, Jane has her job to occupy much of her time leaving Billy isolated and alone.
The ending was bittersweet with Jane happy to see Billy smile, but sad that it wasn’t her in that moment. She proved she was a good friend by leaving him to enjoy himself, instead of getting jealous and ruining it. Plus, Ben needed Jane more. I hope that Ben and Rita work out their relationship. With all that he has sacrificed, he deserves the romance.
At Donovan Decker, the war has just begun. Who will win? Gray or India? I’m not sure, it could be a close call, but the definite loser is Jeremy. He is the pawn in the middle, who both women will use and sacrifice if needed. His only hope is to side with Gray and get Jane to help him.
India lost the first round when Eli stepped up and saved the day with his cutting edge jacket. That move was one that India didn’t plan for, but she is unlikely to make that mistake again. She took the opportunity to use Eli to try and sway Jeremy into helping her. India actually made a good point about Gray using Eli to push Jeremy out. The question is whether he will believe it or not.
Which side is Jeremy on when he hooks up with India again? Is he getting close to the enemy for Gray? Or, is India’s threat of revealing him as the mole enough to get him to betray Gray? I’m surprised that since Gray has both video and audio surveillance of the office, she doesn’t know the truth already. Think of all the horrible things said and manipulations that have happened since Jane arrived. Gray has to know more than she is letting on.
What do you think of the two new characters that have been introduced? So far, Eli has been the perfect workplace addition to play off of Jane. They are both younger with unique design ideas and seem to work well together. They are a better fit than Jane and Jeremy. Zoe is too new to really make a call on yet, but she appears to be a good match for Billy.
Until next week when Jane and Ben’s worlds get rocked with the return of their mother!