Being left home alone is the dream of all teenagers, right?
Jane not only has a kick-ass job and attends school, but then is left on her own to play. And in “The Sleepover” we find out that means ice cream, horror movies and all-nighters with her best friend, Billy.
Not only is Jane hiding her age from work, and her job from school, now she is hiding the fact that she is living alone. That means easily lying to Ben, but the real threat is from Rita.
Given Jane’s commitment to school and work, she couldn’t get into much trouble and she didn’t… unless you count the messy house. But when Billy suggests that they throw a party, Jane is all for it. That had disaster written all over it.
The real conflict was between Billy and Zoe. He apologized for his jealousy of Nick and Zoe accepted it, until … she found out about Jane and the sleepovers. Oops.
The sleepover situation between Jane, Billy and Zoe is a tough one because none of them are wrong. While Jane and Billy have been having sleepovers for years, it would only make sense for Billy’s girlfriend to not be a fan of them. It was a no-win situation.
Billy did his best to resolve the issue by asking Nick to take the lead in the play again. But that wasn’t the answer that Zoe wanted. In the end, Billy declared his feelings for Zoe, but never said he wouldn’t continue to stay over at Jane’s house. Would Billy be able to give up his relationship with Jane for Zoe? I don’t think so, but that also doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about Zoe. It’s complicated.
Unfortunately, Jane had to miss her party to head to London to try and convince Jeremy to come back to Donovan Decker with his designs. If he didn’t, the collaboration with Harrods was off. That meant failure for both Gray and India.
Jane was successful in finding Jeremy, but all he had for her was an apology. While it made sense for him to leave the business that caused him to lose himself, it was a shame he was giving up something he was so well-suited for. Could Jane change his mind? It’s doubtful in time to save the deal. What will this mean for Jane and her future at Donovan Decker?
Jane may or may not have a job, but she won’t have a boyfriend. Eli and India hooking up was so … unexpected. And, wrong. Jane’s lie hurt Eli, but for him to jump into bed with India so quickly showed his lack of character. Jane has not had the best luck with men. Perhaps, Billy really is the only one for her.
What surprised you the most: Eli hooking up with India? Jeremy refusing to come back? Or Billy and Zoe making up?
Next Tuesday is the finale. Will Jane and Billy finally become more then friends? Or do you want him to remain with Zoe?